Take a photo of a building facade and try to recreate it as closely as possible in 3d without the use of any post-production.

I decided to try and use photogrammetry to capture the basic geometry and textures. I was also able to match my final camera position with the photos used for the photogrammetry.

Using the basic geometry as a guide I could remodel the parts that didn’t capture very well. I could then clean up the rest of the model, unwrap and reproject the textures to make it easier to create the rest of the texture maps.

For the brick wall I was never going to be able to capture all the detail, so I instead used photogrammetry to capture a dozen individual bricks. I also made a very rough capture of the scene to get an approximate position of the objects and camera as well as the curvature of the wall.

Railclone made it easy to place the bricks, but the limitations of the lite version meant I had to generate and use displacement maps instead of the individual brick geometry.

Programs used: Agisoft Metashape, 3ds Max, V-Ray, Photoshop (for editing maps only, no post-production)